Monday, August 20, 2012

Gram's Visit

As I mentioned, my mom came to visit last week. She arrived on Friday and stayed until Wednesday. We didn't do a whole lot, but it was so nice having her here! After picking her up from the airport on Friday, we spent the remainder of the day playing, followed by dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.

While Jon and I went away Saturday and Sunday, Gram and Olivia had lots of fun (besides the flat tire they had in my car! Oops!) They made jello, went for ice cream, read books, took walks and picked flowers. I'm sure there was plenty more, too!

One thing there was plenty of was kisses:

Because we didn't do much, I didn't take many pictures. Jon took some good ones on our walk during mom's last night here. Here are a few:
Mom- I'm so glad you came to visit! Thank you for keeping Olivia so that Jon and I could get away. We miss you already!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You know I was already missing ya'll at the airport!! Wish you were closer so we could do it more often, cause you know how much I love the one on one with the GIRL! I love seeing the relationship you three have. Ya'll are doing such a good job with Olivia. Gotta get her to Arkansas so we can work a little on the southern drawl. Love ya'll
