Friday, May 25, 2012

Olivia's 2nd Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday, Olivia!!! We had a GREAT day! We started the day with her waking up to a room full of balloons. We covered her floor in balloons before we went to bed last night and she was so excited this morning. She initially thought it was "lots of balls", but she was surprised and happy to learn that they were balloons.

After the excitement of her Sesame Street decorations, more balloons, and seeing her cupcakes, we had a pancake breakfast made by Daddy. Then, we headed out to start our day of fun. First on the agenda? A Day with Thomas. One of the local trains was decorated as Thomas the Train and had lots of activities to go along with it this weekend. We played and rode the train, which Olivia absolutely loved!

After lunch and ice cream, we headed home for a nap. When Olivia woke up, it was time to open presents and eat cupcakes. I don't know if I've ever seen a child get so excited to open presents, whether it is clothes, toys, socks, etc... she loves ALL presents!

The cupcakes I made for her:

It was a perfect day and she enjoyed every second of it! Here's to another enjoyable year!


  1. So much fun packed into 1 day. Good job Mom and Dad! Cupcakes look professional, MB--good job. Can tell she had an awesome day! Love ya'll!!!!!!

  2. It looks like she had a wonderful birthday. I wanted to talk to her yesterday and wish her a happy birthday. I'm sure cousin Luke would have enjoyed spending the day with her especially on the train ride. She is a lucky and blessed girl!
