Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gram's First Visit to Cleveland

My mom came to visit last Friday and stayed until Wednesday. She took the Greyhound bus up here... what a trooper!! After resting the majority of the first day, we made the most of her stay. She spent lots of time playing with Olivia, we did a little sightseeing, and she even kept Olivia so that Jon and I could have a date night and I could do some shopping one day. It was such a nice visit and ended way too soon!
While she was here, Gram bought Olivia's birthday present. She got her a water table, which she absolutely LOVES! It was cool on the day she got it, but we let her play with it for a little while anyway.
When I ask Olivia what she wants to do, 90% of the time she says, "Take a nature walk." It was no different when Gram was visiting, so we took Gram to the nature center for a walk.
More fun included blowing dandelions, making clover bracelets, and just playing outside. They also picked lots of "flowers for Mommy", which was especially sweet!
Luckily, the weather warmed up before Gram left and Olivia got to really enjoy her water table! In fact, I left to go shopping while they played and mom said they stayed out there for 2 hours and Olivia was SOAKED when they finally came in!
We had such a fun time with Mom. As always, it was extremely hard to see her leave. We are already looking forward to the next visit!!

1 comment:

  1. I sure hated to see my time there end!!! It makes me so proud to see the kind of mom you turned out to be! Both you and Jon are so loving and patient with Olivia and that's what makes her such a happy child I think. The smarts are in the genes but you spending so much time with her is definitely part of it!! Love ya'll (a bushel and a peck)
