Friday, May 4, 2012

It's beginning to feel like home

We have been staying busy this week. Cleveland is starting to feel more like home, especially since we are meeting people and making new friends. Now, Olivia talks about her "new friends" (as she likes to call them) almost as much as her Chicago friends.

On Tuesday, we visited a preschool, which we decided to enroll Olivia in. It's only 2 days a week for 1 1/2 hours each day. Jon and I decided it would be good for her to be away from me a bit, since she is quite attached to me. I really liked the structure and teachers and Olivia seemed to enjoy herself. She calls it "going to pretty school!" Haha! She will start there in June.

We met some new friends at the nature center on Wednesday for a short nature walk. One of the moms brought nature bingo sheets, so the kids had fun trying to find ants, frogs, ducks, etc. Olivia had a BLAST and took a 3 hour nap afterwards!

We met our other new friends at a nearby outdoor mall on Thursday for some play time and lunch. Olivia has been talking about Zavier since we played at his house last week! It's nice to see her adjusting here and starting to make new "friends".

Hope you all had a great week as well!

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