Thursday, May 24, 2012

Memphis Kiddie Park

We went to Memphis Kiddie Park on Wednesday with our neighbor and her granddaughter. It's a small amusement park specifically for younger kids that has been around for 60 years! I believe you have to be under 50 inches to ride any of the rides. I wasn't sure how Olivia would like it. Much to my surprise, she loved it! She rode all of the rides with her new friend, Julia, while I watched.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a perfect place. Wonder where it got the name Memphis? Interesting!! Olivia and her friend certainly seem "big" enough to do everything there themselves. Ya'll certainly stay busy. Can't believe the child is 2 today!!! Happy Birthday Olivia!!! Wish I could see her face when she sees Thomas and the Elmo cupcakes! Have Fun!!!!
