Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Fun Festival

As I mentioned in my last post, we went downtown to the Family Fun Festival today. Olivia had such a good time! We got there a few minutes early, so we took a few pictures near the "Bean"

Then, we headed into the festival, where we met a couple of friends. There was a huge tent set up with lots of different "stations". We started at Wiggleworms (put on by the place where we took the class). Olivia had a good time dancing to the songs and she even ventured away from me on several occasions, and I had to go and get her. I don't know where this independence came from... I can't even walk into another room at home without her losing it! Ha!

After Wiggleworms, we went to the Reading Station for storytime. This only held her attention for a few minutes before she was off again. Next, we played with the hula hoops.

This is Olivia and her friend, Leah. Leah and her mom, Carrie, are the ones who host our playgroup on Wednesdays. When I look at this picture, I just think that it won't be long until they both are in a hula hoop contest for field day at school!

They also had a coloring area. Olivia spent a lot of time "drawing" pictures. Although, if she's going to be the next Picasso, she is going to have to stop eating the crayons! Here she is working on one of her masterpieces:

Before we headed home, we had a picnic lunch with Carrie and Leah, as well as Emily and her son, Jack. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Olivia and Jack because they were always running in different directions.

Olivia had such a good time. She played SO hard and was exhausted when we left. Here she is before we even got out of the parking garage:

I'm so excited that we gave this a try. I can't believe they do this every day all summer and it's free! We will definitely go back!


  1. Can't believe they have something this great for free!! What a difference a month makes. She looks so little girlish now!!

  2. That sounds like so much fun ... and free always makes it that much better!! I'm in love with her shoes!!! So cute!
    Does she have a Sunshine Kids carseat?? That's what Ryan has now and we love it!
