Monday, June 27, 2011

We've Been Busy...

This little girl has been keeping me busy! She is quite a handful these days (but I wouldn't have it any other way!) She is walking everywhere and talks jibberish all day. She walks nonstop and is into everything! She loves opening the cabinets, climbing into the closet, pulling everything out of the drawers, etc. She definitely keeps me on my toes. We have such a great time, though!

Her newest thing is saying, "No". Anytime I ask her a question, especially, "Do you need a diaper change?", she shakes her head and says, "No". It's really cute, but I have to make Jon not laugh. The last thing I want is her walking around saying "No No No" all the time! Ha!

She is still so happy. She loves giving kisses and big hugs. One of my favorite things is when she gets a toy or book and runs it over to me and puts her arms around me with the biggest smile on her face. She gets excited over the smallest things and it makes me see things in a whole new perspective as well.

We finally had a nice weekend weather-wise! In fact, we couldn't have asked for it to be any better. We spent a good portion of the weekend outside. We took Olivia to her first baseball game on Saturday. Jon's work gave him tickets (great seats!) to the White Sox vs Nationals game, so that's where we went. Olivia hadn't had an afternoon nap, so she was tired, but she did really well! We stayed for over half of the game. Once she got over the initial shock of so many people, she even had a good time, clapping and dancing!

White Sox game:

This is what happened tonight when I gave her a spoon and a bowl of yogurt. I don't think she's quite mastered the spoon yet:

We are heading downtown tomorrow to go to the Family Fun Festival. They have Wiggleworms and Story Time at Millennium Park every day during the summer, so we are going to meet some friends down there. I'll try to remember the camera :)

1 comment:

  1. SHE. IS. SO. CUTE. Olivia is so cute, she makes little labrador puppies look bad. I don't know about you, but I think thats pretty cute. :] :] :] :]
