Olivia turned 10 months old on Friday. I know I say this every month, but where has the time gone?!? Everybody told me that the first year would go especially fast, and I am too quickly becoming a believer. So, what is Olivia up to this month?
- She still wears size 12 clothes.
- She is still in a size 4 diaper.
- She has 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom.
- Her good nighttime sleeping habits have returned. She is sleeping from about 7:30 or 8:00pm to 6:30am. She will usually wake up and take a bottle and then sleep another hour.
- She takes 2 naps a day and they are usually an hour each. If she has played extra hard beforehand, she will sometimes sleep longer.
- She still loves being on the floor playing.
- She is walking along the furniture a lot more and moving between pieces easily. She still hasn't taken a step without holding on though.
- She claps, plays peek-a-boo, lifts her arms when you ask how big she is, dances, and waves on a fairly consistent basis. (Although if I ask her to do any of these when a stranger is around, she doesn't usually cooperate! Ha!)
- Her eating is unpredictable. Sometimes she wants to only feed herself, and some days she won't feed herself anything.
- Her favorite foods this month have been hummus and meatball sandwich.
- She loves to kiss herself in the mirror! She also likes giving kisses to all of her animals/ dolls. However, I can't hardly get her to give me a kiss.
- She still calls pretty much everything a "duh" (duck). She has said cat a couple of times, but doesn't say it consistently.
- She LOVES books! Out of all the toys she has, she prefers books most of the time (which I will never complain about!)
- She loves playing with the dogs. (I think Phoebs is getting tired of Olivia trying to pull up on her!)
- She is always on the go. I can't turn my head on her for a second, or she's headed towards something she shouldn't be!
She is SO much fun, and I am LOVING every minute I get to spend with her!