Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy, Full, and Sick

Things have been a little hectic around here. I've been extremely busy with work, having to go in really early and stay late some days. I even worked this past Saturday. That allowed Jon and Olivia to have a daddy-daughter day. This was the longest amount of time they have spent together alone. I don't think they even missed me! (Although Jon was a little worn out when I got home! Ha!)

Here's Olivia enjoying bathtime on Sunday:

She loves being in the bathtub. But, one of my absolute favorite things is when I get her out and wrap her in a towel. She just laughs and has the best time while I dry her off!

I forgot to mention in the last post that we started Olivia on rice cereal last week. She immediately knew what to do with the spoon, and was quickly eating a LOT of cereal. On Sunday, we gave her sweet potatoes, and she seems to love them. Next week, we will start carrots. As you may or may not know, Jon does the majority of the cooking in our household. He's a great cook and he enjoys it. That is no different when it comes to Olivia. He is making her food too!

Ready for dinner:

In other news, Olivia is sick again. This time it's just a cold, but it's still pretty pitiful. She has a runny nose, a cough, and one of her eyes is really watery. Per the daycare's recommendation, I took her to the doctor today to make sure it was nothing more than a cold, but that's all it is.

Not feeling well (Isn't that sad?):
(Thank you cousin Luke for the cute pumpkin outfit!)

I can't believe she turned 5 months old yesterday. I'll do her 5 month post sometime this week when she's feeling a little better for her picture. Until then, enjoy your week!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Little Model :)

As I mentioned in the last post, we had Olivia's pictures taken over the weekend. They were taken by Audrey Spear, who is so great to work with. Thank you so much, Audrey!!

Here are just a few:

What do you think????

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Gilge Visit

It's been a little longer than usual since I last updated. Jon's parents visited last weekend and I had a really busy week at work last week. This week will be just as busy, so I figured I had better update while I can.

Jon's parents arrived last Friday evening. Jon's mom brought dinner, so we stayed in and caught up. Saturday consisted of breakfast out and a little shopping. Saturday night, Jon and his dad went to the USA vs Poland soccer match. Sunday was a fairly lazy day, which started with Dunkin' Donuts and consisted of hanging out around the house and a fish fry for dinner. They stayed until Monday, which worked out nicely. I found out Olivia's daycare was closed on Monday, so they kept her while I got some work done.

With Grandpa:

As I mentioned, I had a really busy week at work. Thankfully, Jon was able to take Olivia and pick her up from daycare a couple of days. I think he realized that he has to give himself more time than he thinks he needs when he also has to get a baby ready! Ha!

Having fun with Daddy:

This weekend has been pretty low key. We had pictures taken of Olivia today, so I'll share those as soon as I get them.


Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4 Month Check-Up

Olivia had her 4 month check up today. She charmed everyone at the doctor's office, smiling at anyone that would look at her. She is 26 inches long and weighs 17 pounds, which puts her in the 95th percentile for both. The doctor said she looks great. She commented on how strong she is, how pretty her skin is, and how beautiful she is. In other words, she's perfect! Ha!

Dr. Egues said that we could start trying to give Olivia some rice cereal. We gave it a try for the first time tonight and she did really well. She was sucking it right out of the spoon, and getting mad when I would have to get more. She only had a little, but we'll give her more tomorrow. I have a video, but I'm having trouble getting it to load... I'll try to add it later.

She also tried out her high chair for the first time yesterday. She threw a fit when we first put her in it, but she quickly decided it wasn't so bad:
Jon's parents will be in town this weekend, so I'll post again after their visit.
Enjoy the rest of the week!

Somebody Couldn't Wait Until November

My mom decided that she couldn't wait until Thanksgiving to see Olivia, so she came to visit last weekend. She arrived Friday night, and Olivia stayed up a little late to wait on her. I think they were both glad to see each other. Mom couldn't believe how much she has changed since she last saw her. After a brief visit, Olivia went to bed, and Jon and I visited with mom for a little while before turning in for the night. Saturday morning, we all walked to breakfast, ate too much, and came home. That afternoon, Olivia stayed with her Gram while Jon and I went to a movie. It was Chicago hot dogs for dinner, and an early night to bed for all of us. Sunday was a lazy day, and I don't think any of us got out of our pajamas. We spent the day visiting and relaxing. Mom stayed an extra day this time so that she could keep Olivia while Jon and I worked on Monday. I'm sure they had a blast!! It was hard to see her leave this morning, but at least we will be in Arkansas soon. In fact, I just booked my flight! Olivia and I are flying down there the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Jon will drive down that Wednesday, and we'll all drive back up to Chicago the Sunday after. It will be here before we know it!

Giving Gram Kisses: