Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Weekend Recap

This past weekend, we took another roadtrip. On Friday afternoon, Olivia and I picked Jon up from work and the three of us made our way north to Wisconsin. We stopped for a brief visit in Madison. Max (the best man in our wedding) and his wife Emily had a baby boy about 2 weeks ago and this was the perfect chance for us to meet Henry. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera, so I don't have any pictures of Olivia and Henry, but he is a cutie. Congrats to Max and Emily!

From there, we continued north to Wausua, where Jon's parents live. We got there kinda late, but everyone was waiting up for us. Well, everyone except Luke (our nephew who was born last September). It was so nice to see Jenny (Jon's sister) and her husband Jeff. They live in Napa, CA and we don't get to see them very often. We had a short visit before turning in for the night. Luckily, right before we got in bed, Luke decided to wake up and say hi. (Well, lucky for us... maybe not for his parents!) He is such a big boy and as cute and sweet as can be!

Saturday morning, we got up and had breakfast and then hit the road even farther north to Phillips, WI. This is where Jon's dad is from and we had a family reunion up there. It was great to see Jon's aunts, uncles, and cousins. I always have the best time up there. Everyone is so friendly, and I feel like I'm with my own family. Olivia charmed everyone by sleeping pretty much the entire day. :) And, Luke was such a trooper. He was so exhausted by the end of the day, but he never stopped smiling and having a great time.

Back to Wausau late that night, we went straight to bed. After breakfast on Sunday morning, we stayed around to watch the World Cup final and then drove back to Chicago. It was a great weekend, albeit short and busy. Below are some pictures from the trip.

Jeff, Jenny, and Luke:

My In-Laws:

Olivia with Grandpa Gilge:

Olivia and Mommy:

Standing in mommy's lap:

Luke with Uncle Jon:

Olivia with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jenny:

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