Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quick Update

We have just been enjoying the nice weather the last couple of days with daily walks to the park. Other than that, Olivia has been her usual sweet self. :) I hope I don't jinx us by saying this, but she has slept for a 6 hour stretch each of the past 3 nights. She usually goes to sleep around 10:00pm, wakes up around 4:00am, eats and goes right back to sleep until 6:30 or 7:00. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it is GREAT! I wake up feeling so refreshed. In fact, the first night that it happened, I woke Jon up at 4:00am and asked if he was ready to get up because I felt so rested. Needless to say, he wanted to sleep a little longer. Ha!

My mom and brother both had birthdays yesterday, so Happy Birthday Mom and Glen!! I hope you both enjoyed your days!

Wrapped up in her robe after bathtime:

She held up a sign for mom and Glen, but her smile in this one was too good not to share. It's the best picture I've gotten of her smiling.

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