Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun Weekend

First of all, check out this outfit... Isn't it something?!? (Yes, it's a Razorback tutu!) HA!

She has to be the cutest Hog fan ever, right?!? One of my best friends from college, Mandy, and her husband (Eric) flew in on Friday for a visit. They brought Olivia this adorable outfit. I bet she's the only little girl in Chicago with one of these! I know she doesn't look too happy in the picture, but I think it's just because football season hasn't started yet!!

We had a pretty busy weekend. This was Mandy's first trip to Chicago, so we spent a lot of time downtown sightseeing. Olivia had her first trip to a Chicago pizzeria, Navy Pier, the Bean, Michigan Ave, and Millenium Park. We even saw some filming of the Transformers movie. She slept through the majority of it, though, so I guess we'll have to go back when she gets a little older! :)

It was so great to see Mandy. She's one of those friends who you can not talk to for months, but you still pick up right where you left off. And, Olivia really warmed up to her, cooing and smiling every time Mandy talked to her. I only wish we lived closer. Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday.

Mandy, me, and Olivia:

Olivia smiling at Mandy:

Olivia and Momma:

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