Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kids Connections

Since we moved here, I have been going to a mom's bible study at church on Tuesday mornings. (We studied Raising Responsive Children, which I highly recommend!) Olivia goes to the kids program, which is called Kids Connections. This week was the last week, so the kids sang a couple of songs for us. Excuse the low quality of the videos (it's a compilation from my phone and my friend, Anna's camera. We were both laughing so hard and trying to focus, so the video is a bit blurry and wobbly.) Olivia is the third kid from the right, and the only one you can hear singing in both songs. I honestly thought she would freeze up there, but she did soooo good! I was so proud of her!


  1. I laughed and laughed! This is so cute. Maybe we have a performer on our hands and not an athlete or scholar--hmmm?

  2. No stage fright for Olivia. That was so funny. I laughed out loud.

    1. I know! Can you believe it?!? I was laughing so hard that I was crying. She was so proud of herself :)
