Wednesday, May 29, 2013


With the money my mom sent Olivia for her birthday, she decided she wanted to buy a fishing pole. So, Jon took her to pick one out, bought a fishing license, and started researching good places to fish around us. When we went, unfortunately, we didn't catch any fish. Luckily, she still had fun. Later she said to Jon, "Daddy, next time will you take me fishing where there are some fish?" Haha!


Sad News

Well, I've been putting off sharing some exciting news here. We were expecting Baby #2. However, we found out at my 16 week appointment on Tuesday that the baby had stopped growing and had no heartbeat. We are deeply saddened, but we are trusting in God's plan and timing. I went in yesterday morning for a D&C and I've been resting the past couple of days. (Thanks to the amazing friends I have made here, who have kept Olivia entertained.) Physically, I'm feeling ok.  Emotionally, we have our moments, but we are also filled with a sense of peace in knowing that God is in control and knows what is best.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  xoxo

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Last Day of Soccer

Unfortunately, I had to miss Olivia's last day of soccer. Thankfully, Missy took her and sent me some pictures. The girls really enjoyed this session, but I'm not sure they learned much by being in the same class :).

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Olivia!!!

Today, my sweet, sassy, funny, kind little girl turned 3. Where has the time gone?? She is such a blessing to Jon and me. She has the biggest heart and makes me laugh on a daily basis. I cannot imagine my life without her and I'm so thankful I am her mommy!

She has been asking every day for a week, "Is it my birthday, yet?" The other day, she even told my mom, "It takes a long time for my birthday." So, to say that she was excited for the big day to finally arrive would be an understatement!

She woke up to this:

Then, she came downstairs to lots of presents, cupcakes, and her favorite- A Dora balloon:

New Bike:


Butterfly cupcakes:

Yummy Breakfast:


After all of this excitement, we let Olivia choose where she wanted to go for her birthday and she picked the Aquarium. So, we went to Baltimore and spent a couple of hours looking at fish. Then, she chose Red Robin for lunch. (Maybe because she thought her friends would be there with presents again?!?) Luckily, the waiters sang "Happy Birthday" and brought her an ice cream sundae.

We came home for a nap and then played outside before dinner and bed. She got to try out her new bike and helmet and loved it!

It was a perfect day, for both her and us. She was sad going to bed tonight, knowing that meant her birthday was over. She said, "But, can you sing 'Happy Birthday' to me again tomorrow morning please?" I'm sure we will... :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Olivia's birthday with her friends at Red Robin on Monday. There were 7 adults and 8 kids there, so it was a little chaotic, to say the least. But, it was so much fun! I brought a Dora cake (Olivia's choice) and she couldn't have been more excited about the entire experience.

It was the perfect little celebration and she hasn't stopped talking about it!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Olivia and Sofia are inseparable these days. They play together pretty much every day. (Sofia's parents have moved as many times as us over the past 9 years. Crazy, huh? We keep saying that we don't know what the girls will do when one of us has to move again. Fingers crossed that isn't for a long time!)

Here are some pictures of the two of them at our house and theirs.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Here are some more pictures from soccer and the playground afterwards. Olivia did much better last session. This time, she is more interested in goofing off with Sofia than she is in listening to the coach. What can you do? At least she's having fun...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kids Connections

Since we moved here, I have been going to a mom's bible study at church on Tuesday mornings. (We studied Raising Responsive Children, which I highly recommend!) Olivia goes to the kids program, which is called Kids Connections. This week was the last week, so the kids sang a couple of songs for us. Excuse the low quality of the videos (it's a compilation from my phone and my friend, Anna's camera. We were both laughing so hard and trying to focus, so the video is a bit blurry and wobbly.) Olivia is the third kid from the right, and the only one you can hear singing in both songs. I honestly thought she would freeze up there, but she did soooo good! I was so proud of her!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day. We started the day at church and then drove to Annapolis to walk around and have lunch. It was a beautiful day spent with my two favorite people and I couldn't have asked for more.

Have I mentioned how thankful I am that this little girl calls me mommy?!?

And, of course, a very Happy Mother's Day to my mom, who is the best example of a mother's love that anyone could ask for. Thank you for setting the bar so high, Mom! I miss you and love you more than you know!!

Also, Happy Mother's Day to my mother-in-law. Thank you for raising the man that I love and Olivia adores. We love you!