Thursday, February 7, 2013

Settling In

We are slowly but surely getting settled into life in Maryland.  Unpacking takes about twice as long with a toddler, but we are almost done!  We've needed a few breaks, so we went to the mall on Saturday and checked out the kids play area.  It was crazy crowded, but Olivia had fun running around.

Afterwards, she and Jon took a little break and made some wishes in the fountain.

Then, they had fun on the carousel.

We went to the library on Tuesday for story time. That afternoon, we unpacked Olivia's toys and turned the basement into a playroom
Yesterday, we went to the nearby nature center for a toddler class that included a puppet show, craft, nature walk, snack, and singing.

We are looking forward to exploring more in the upcoming weeks! I'll try to take my camera, so you don't have to look at blurry cell pics next time :).


  1. Glad you're almost settled in. Do you (or I guess I should say Olivia) like that pink kitchen? That's the one I've been looking at to get Maisie for Christmas next year :-)

    1. Yes, I love the kitchen! I wasn't planning on getting one when I got it, but I got a great deal on it and couldn't pass it up. I like that it doesn't make all the silly sounds, etc (even though the kids love those!) Olivia plays with it daily. But, I will warn you... It takes forever to put together. Not hard, but definitely time consuming!

  2. That Olivia is one lucky little girl. She has had so many wonderful experiences in every place you've been. How good for both of you that you can spend so much time together exploring the world. I love being able to share in her life through the blog. Keep it coming!

  3. Looks like fun!! And looks like yall are settling in!!
