Friday, January 25, 2013

Moving... Again!

I don't think I've mentioned on here that we are moving again.  Next week! Jon got a promotion at work that is taking us to the Baltimore/ Washington DC area.  We will be living in Savage, MD, which is 10-15 miles from both Baltimore and DC.  Jon actually left a couple of weeks ago.  He was supposed to be back today to help with the actual move, but the weather had other plans so it looks like it will be tomorrow :(.  The movers come on Tuesday and we will be in our new place one week from today.  Wish us luck!

For those of you who don't know... this will be our 8th house and 6th state in 8 years of marriage... WOW!!! We probably have one more move after this one, but we plan to be settled somewhere when Olivia starts school.  (Fingers crossed...)

1 comment:

  1. Jon is making sure we all see new parts of the country! (but only in the north):(. Can't wait to see your new place! Not long now. Love the superhero pics.
