Friday, February 22, 2013

Gram's Visit

We were so excited that my mom was able to come for a visit so soon after we moved in. I had finished unpacking, so she was off the hook with that. Lucky me, she wanted to spend lots of time with Olivia and allow me to relax, so that's exactly what I did! :)

Greeting Gram at the airport:

Showing off her dress-up clothes:

Gram having a turn:

Jon and I were lucky enough to get away for a night while mom was here, too. We went to Washington DC for the night. Jon wasn't feeling great, so we didn't do much, but at least we got to sleep in! And, I don't think Olivia missed us at all! They stayed busy baking cakes, playing outside, coloring, and who knows what else :).

White House:

Lincoln Memorial:

The day Gram left was a sad day for all of us. Olivia kept saying, "I'm crying because I didn't want Gram to leave, but she still left." Broke my heart!

We Miss You, Gram! Come back soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the pics made me cry again!! Ya'll would never get rid of me if you lived closer. I think everyone will agree that O makes a much better super hero than gram. I'm so proud of the way you and Jon are raising Olivia. You both deserve a lot of credit for her being such a wonderful little girl. Miss ya'll!!
