Saturday, December 15, 2012

Visit to the "North Pole"

A few weeks ago, we went to Lake Farmpark Lights with our MOPs group (Mothers of Preschoolers).  It was so much fun and Olivia thought we were at the North Pole.  (In fact, she has asked to go back to the North Pole multiple times!)

The visit consisted of a trip to the toy shop to make a toy with the elves, sitting on Santa's lap, visiting the cows, taking a wagon ride through the farm decorated with lights, a petting zoo, pony rides, and more.

In the Toy Shop:
In awe:
Working on the Polar Bear toy that she chose:
Painting the toy:

Putting a little glitter on it:
And more glitter:
And more:
Visiting with Santa:
Riding a pony:

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