Friday, December 28, 2012

Future Fighting Irish?

On our way to Wisconsin, we stopped in South Bend, IN to walk around Jon's alma mater, Notre Dame.  He had been wanting to visit the campus for a while, and we decided this might be our last chance for a while.  It was neat to show Olivia where Jon went to school, and she hasn't stopped talking about the Irish since.  She loves singing the fight song, and she says she is going to school there when she grows up.  It was her first college campus visit, so we'll see....


  1. Better get that girl to Fayetteville.:) Seeing the campus brought back memories of when you and I used to go there to twirl. Who knew, huh?

  2. Mary Beth,
    We loved seeing all of the pictures. We miss you so much. It was hard having everyone here and then gone.

    1. We miss you, too! It was such a nice visit, but too short. Time to start planning a trip to MD...
