Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Jon had to work for a little while on Christmas Eve, so Olivia and I spent the morning finishing up a little last minute shopping, making cookies for Santa, and baking a cake for Jesus' birthday.  To say she loves helping in the kitchen would be a major understatement!

At the mall:


Enjoying the finished product:

Icing Santa's cookies: (Yes, we took her shirt off for that) :)

The next Betty Crocker?:
After cleaning up and taking a nap, Jon arrived home and we went to the Family Service at church.

We came home and unwrapped presents before calling it a night to get ready for Santa.  As I tucked Olivia in, she decided she didn't want Santa to come because she didn't want to see him.  I assured her that she wouldn't see him, but that wasn't enough.  She insisted that I call him at the North Pole and tell him to leave her presents outside.  She then said that Daddy and I could bring them in.  So, I did as asked... :)

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