Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend in Chicago

Olivia and I went to Chicago last weekend. It was Ady's 2nd birthday party and I thought that was a good excuse to go back and visit, as well as to meet Sandy's newest little girl, Greta.

We arrived Thursday afternoon and went straight to Kathleen and Carter's house, where we were staying. After a yummy dinner and some playtime, I put Olivia down fairly early.

We joined our old friends for a playdate Friday morning at Michelle's. It was so nice seeing everyone, as well as the new babies that were born after we moved.

The rest of the weekend was spent with Carter teaching Olivia about dump trucks and excavators and Olivia teaching him about tea parties and baby dolls. We mixed in some mommy time, as well as catching up with other friends!

First face painting:

Watching "Thomas" with Leah and Carter:

Playing in the pool at Leah's:

All of these pictures were taken with my phone because I forgot my camera. Kathleen took more pictures.. And better quality, I'm sure. I'll post those when I get them. That's why I don't have any pictures of the birthday party.

We had a wonderful time catching up with everyone and I'm already looking forward to the next trip!

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