Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1st Day of School!

Olivia started Preschool last week. She is going 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) for 1 1/2 hours each day. The main reason is to help with separation anxiety. Since I am with her 24/7 with very few interruptions, we thought it would be good to get her used to being away from me for just a little while.

Day 1 didn't go so well. She was excited to go and we talked about it all morning. She was fine on the way there, and even once we arrived. However, once we stepped foot in the classroom, she lost it. She began to cry (while all of the other parents were taking pictures of their happy kids on their first day of school!) I felt horrible! I just gave her the pink monkey that she has started playing with a lot over the past couple of weeks and walked out. Of course I was crying myself before I even got to my car! Thankfully, there is a tv monitor where you can watch the kids. Although I didn't look right away because I didn't really want to know if she was still crying, I went back and watched after about 30 minutes. She was still holding her monkey, but she wasn't crying... whew!

Day 2 went a little better. I handed her the monkey just before she started crying and it seemed to keep her from getting upset.

Hopefully, taking the monkey to school will be an easy habit to break. I started talking to her about leaving it at home, but I don't think I'm ready to try that just yet...


  1. She is too cute!!! It may take a few weeks but before long she will run in, start playing, and not even notice you're gone.

  2. Much harder on Mom than on Olivia, I bet. Hopefully soon it will be old hat. Good for both of you, I think. She looks so cute with her backpack!! Love ya'll!!!
