Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Gilge Visit

Jon's parents came to visit last weekend. They arrived Friday evening and left Monday morning. They enjoyed spending time with Olivia, and we enjoyed having them! Olivia especially liked listening to Grandpa play "Sneaky Snake" on the guitar. I have a video of her singing it that I will try to post next week. Listening to Grandpa play the guitar:

Jon took them to breakfast and then the West Side Market on Saturday. After returning home and everyone getting a nap, we grilled brats and sausages for dinner and then Jon and his dad went to the Indians vs Twins baseball game.

We went to church on Sunday morning, followed by the Nature Center in the afternoon. Olivia was anxious to show them the Nature Walk that she enjoys so much!

Jon cooked a delicious dinner Sunday night and they left first thing Monday morning. We are already looking forward to seeing them again in July in Wisconsin!!


  1. Know it was wonderful for the Gilges to see Olivia (and ya'll of course)!!Looks like they were having a great time. Sneaky Snake is becoming a tradition, huh? Love ya'll

  2. Of course, we loved being with Olivia and the two of you. The time was too short. Thanks for being such good hosts. We look forward to seeing you in July.
