Friday, January 13, 2012

The Past 2 weeks

Well, it's been a busy couple of weeks since I last updated. We spent New Year's Eve with our neighbors upstairs and their kids. We ordered pizza and stayed up long enough to see the ball drop in NYC.

Jon had off work a total of 2 1/2 weeks, so we decided to get away for a few days last week. We went to Cleveland for a couple of days. We've both heard great things about the city and it's only 5 hours away, so we decided to check it out.

Olivia's favorite part was playing on the luggage cart:

Our favorite part was the West Side Market. It is an indoor farmer's market type thing, with stands for meat, bread, cheese, etc and a whole building with fruits and vegetables.

We got back to Chicago last Thursday night. The weather was really nice, so we met Sandy and Adelina at the playground on Friday. Olivia and Ady hadn't seen each other since before Christmas, so I think they were glad to be reunited!
(Picture from Sandy's phone... thanks Sandy ;))

After dinner out with them later that night, we got home just in time to watch Arkansas win the cotton bowl. Olivia even put on her Razorback cheerleading outfit and called the hogs:

Monday morning came all too soon, and it was time for Jon to go back to work. We tried to get him to take off another week, but it didn't work... ;). That's probably a good thing, though because Olivia and I had a big week ahead of us. Olivia had her first gymnastics class on Monday. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the camera, but I'll try to remember next time. She LOVED it! It doesn't hurt that her best friends are in the class... Ady, Carter, and Leah. It had been about 6 weeks since we had seen Kathleen and Carter, and we are SO glad they're back! And, it had been almost a month since we had seen Carrie and Leah because Carrie just gave birth to little Lainey in December. It was so great to be back together with all of them!

On Monday afternoon, Olivia and I went over to Carrie and Leah's house to take dinner, and so I could finally hold Lainey. She was so sweet! I can't believe I forgot my camera (again)!

Tuesday was Olivia's first day of art class. Adelina and Leah are also in this class, as well as Courtney.

Showing off her artwork:

Clare and Riley had a group of us over on Wednesday morning for a playdate, so we finally got to catch up with them, as well as Bree and Zachary. We have art class again on Thursday, but Jon accidentally took my car and house keys to work with him, so we had to skip. We took the train to Dinkel's Bakery Thursday afternoon though for our weekly playdate.

How cute are they?!?

Jon was picking us up from the bakery, but it took him a lot longer than expected due to the snow. Therefore, Olivia and I just went to Sandy and Adelina's place and waited. They ended up even getting to take a bath together, and it was the cutest thing I think I've ever seen!

Today has been a pretty lazy day. We did bundle up and head outside for a few minutes to take some pictures in the snow. It's hard to believe that we were at the playground a week ago without a coat!

I hope you're all off to a great 2012! Apparently, my blogging is off to a slow start... I'll get better, I promise! :) xoxo


  1. That's the cutest bunch of kids ever and I love the bathtub picture!!! Sounds like ya'll are staying busy. See you next week!!

  2. I agreee with Della. That bathroom picture is so dear. I also love the one with her artwork. Her hair looks so pretty. I wait and wait for these blogs. Don't make me wait too long, Mary Beth. It was great to see Jon over the weekend. The only thing that would have made it better would have been you and Olivia with him!!
