Monday, January 30, 2012

Last Week in Chicago

We made the most out of our last week in Chicago. In the time that I should have spent packing, instead Olivia and I spent playing and hanging out with friends.

It all started on Sunday (1/22). We finally had snow on the ground, so we took advantage of it and met Luke, Sandy, and Adelina for a little sledding. Olivia didn't care for it too much, perhaps because it was a little cold and windy. Or perhaps, she's just not too adventerous yet. Either way, she looked cute doing it! Ha!

With Ady:

Getting Ready:

Going, going gone:

The daddies and their girls walking back up:

She's had enough:

I went down the hill, too. So, it was the first time sledding for both of us. Mission Accomplished! :)

After sledding, we all went out to breakfast to warm up.

Later that afternoon, Sandy and Luke threw us a going away party. It was a fun night and a great opportunity to get the husbands together before we left. Thank you Sandy and Luke for having us all over, and thank you to everyone that came! We will miss all of you!!

On Monday, we had gymnastics again and Olivia loved it! She got especially excited over the stamps she got for doing somersaults. After gymnastics, we went to the mall and had lunch with Sandy, Adelina, Carrie, Leah, and Lainey.

Leah (in the background), Courtney, Adelina and Olivia:

Tuesday was art class followed by lunch with Sandy and Adelina at Birchwood Kitchen.. yum!

Wednesday was a pretty relaxing day. The weather was nice enough that we took a stroll outside. That night, we had pizza with the Foster's, our neighbors upstairs. It was our going away dinner with them, as well as Emma, as she will no longer be nannying for them.

We skipped art on Thursday morning to hang out with Carrie, Leah, and Lainey. It was so much fun! We have really missed our Wednesday morning playdates at Carrie's since she had Lainey. Thursday afternoon was our weekly playgroup at Dinkel's. It was sad that it was our last one there. It has become something that Olivia and I look forward to every week... both the people and the goodies!! :) After a busy day, we headed over to Codrut and Emily's for a farewell dinner with them. Olivia entertained us by playing the piano.

On Friday, we went furniture shopping with Sandy and Adelina. They found what they were looking for, and we ended up buying a bookcase for Olivia's room in the process!

Later that night, Emma babysat Olivia while I went to a Girl's Night Out clothing swap. It was so much fun to hang out with just the girls for a couple of hours! In the meantime, Jon took the train to Arkansas to load up all of the stuff we had in storage there.

On Saturday, while Jon was driving back from AR,Olivia and I went to a kids concert where we met Sandy, Adelina, Carrie and the girls, Clare and her crew, and Bree and Zachary. Afterwards, we had an early dinner with (who else?) Sandy, Ady, Carrie, Leah, and Lainey.

And, then came Sunday... Moving Day. I honestly couldn't have survived moving day without the help of Brendan and Kyra (our upstairs neighbors). Kyra called at 8 and volunteered to watch Olivia while I did some last minute things. I dropped her off and didn't end up picking her back up until almost 2:00pm!! Not only did they watch Olivia, but they also kept us going with an endless supply of coffee. So, THANK YOU Brendan and Kyra!! You made Sunday so much easier and less stressful on all of us!

With Campbell:

After the movers finally finished, we went out to brunch with the Foster's for one last time at Cinnamon Cafe. Shortly after, Jon hit the road to Cleveland, and Olivia and I called it a night for the last time in our Chicago condo.

I think it's safe to say that we made the most out of our last week in Chicago. I can't begin to put into words how much we will miss all of the friends we made there. It definitely felt like home, and that was all because of the people. I have no doubt that we will keep in touch and visit often!

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