Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lots of Playing

I know I say this every week, but it's been another crazy week around here. We didn't have gymnastics on Monday due to MLK Day, so Olivia and I had some friends over for a playdate.

Getting tickled by Ady:

Kisses from Carter:

Tuesday morning was art class followed by lunch at Costello's with Sandy and Adelina. The girls especially loved dancing to the live music there.

On Wednesday, a group of us went to the Kohl's Children's Museum in Glenview. We had soooo much fun!

Driving Carter and Adelina:

Playing with the trains with Carter:

Having SO much fun:

Olivia and Carter playing with the water:

Best Friends- Olivia, Carter, Adelina, and Riley. (Leah hadn't arrived yet):

Cashier of the day:

Olivia and Riley were so exhausted that they fell asleep before we were out of the parking lot:

My mom arrived Wednesday night and stayed until Sunday morning (more on her visit later).

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