Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011- Arkansas

The 9 hour drive to Arkansas took us more like 12, due to having to finish up some last minute shopping along the way. Fortunately, Olivia did great in the car. We arrived at my mom's house around 9:00pm Friday night. After playing for a little while with Gram and Abby (and opening her Christmas present from Abby), we all went to bed. Olivia loved her present from Abby... a Cinderella kitchen! She played with it pretty much nonstop all week!

Christmas Eve was spent catching up with Gram, Abby, Mason, and Glen, as well as exchanging gifts with Amy.

With the Travel Bear Amy gave her:

Playing with the snow globe, just before she dropped and broke it:

With cousin Mason:

We let Abby and Mason go ahead and open their gifts from us:

On Christmas morning, Olivia was the only kid left at Gram's. (Abby and Mason went to Glen's for the night). I think she was surprised to find that Santa brought a few more gifts to Gram's house for her.

Playing with her new laptop:

Opening her stocking:

With Mommy on Christmas morning:

After seeing what Santa brought, we all got ready and met Glen and the kids at church. Afterwards, we tried to get some pictures of Olivia in her Christmas dress:

With Daddy:

Then, it was time to open presents!

Her cute new Razorback dress (I think the look is because she's tired of waiting so long for the bowl game! ha!)

On Monday, Jon and I took Olivia (along with Gram, Amy, and her mom) to the Enchanted Forest. Our parents took Amy and I there every year growing up. It's hard to explain exactly what it is, but basically it's an animated Christmas display.

Watching the train:

Looking in the igloo with Gram:

The next few days were focused on spending time together and visiting family and friends. Here are a few more pictures.

Kisses from Abby:


We had such a great trip! After we left, my mom said that Abby and Mason both said it was "the best Christmas EVER"... I'd have to agree. And, I think it's only going to get better from here.


  1. I have to agree that it was the best Christmas ever!! Having everyone here for that time was so special to me. Getting the webcam so I can see Olivia was pretty special, too. Thanks Jon for taking the time to set everything up!!! Sure is quiet here now. Love ya'll.
