Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmastime Fun

Saturday was Jon's company Christmas party, so Emma came over to watch Olivia while we went. She (Olivia) was in a rotten mood, but thankfully that quickly turned around when she saw Emma. We stopped by Codrut and Emily's place on the way because they were also having a holiday party that they invited us to. It was a fun night, and as always, nice to have a little time with just the two of us.

We had brunch with our neighbors on Sunday morning and then I went Christmas shopping while Jon and Olivia spent the day together. I got back home in time for us to put up the Christmas tree... Better late than never, right?!? ;)

Seeing the Christmas tree light up for the first time:

Helping decorate:

Showing off the Santa pajamas Gram sent her:

Now that our shopping is done and the tree is up, this week will consist of lots of wrapping and packing for our trip to Arkansas... Can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Three more days! PJs are so cute on her but then she makes anything cute, huh? Can;t wait for the weekend. Love ya'll
