Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Busy, Busy

I haven't updated in a couple of weeks because of a couple of reasons. 1) Jon has had the camera at work, and therefore, I haven't taken many pictures, and 2) We have been staying very busy. Since the last update, we've been to a Cookie Exchange, Book Exchange, Holiday Party at Dinkel's Bakery, Lincoln Square Christkindl Market, had pizza with a couple of different friends, and dinner out with friends. Those are just the things that I remember off the top of my head, and that is in addition to our regular playgroups.

At the market with Ady:

Insisting on wearing her coat(inside):

Best Friends:

First Christmas Present of the year:

At some point, I should probably find time to do a little Christmas shopping... I'm starting to run out of time!

1 comment:

  1. Know it's really busy, but it sure looks like ya'll are having lots of fun!!! That's what counts
