Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011- Arkansas

The 9 hour drive to Arkansas took us more like 12, due to having to finish up some last minute shopping along the way. Fortunately, Olivia did great in the car. We arrived at my mom's house around 9:00pm Friday night. After playing for a little while with Gram and Abby (and opening her Christmas present from Abby), we all went to bed. Olivia loved her present from Abby... a Cinderella kitchen! She played with it pretty much nonstop all week!

Christmas Eve was spent catching up with Gram, Abby, Mason, and Glen, as well as exchanging gifts with Amy.

With the Travel Bear Amy gave her:

Playing with the snow globe, just before she dropped and broke it:

With cousin Mason:

We let Abby and Mason go ahead and open their gifts from us:

On Christmas morning, Olivia was the only kid left at Gram's. (Abby and Mason went to Glen's for the night). I think she was surprised to find that Santa brought a few more gifts to Gram's house for her.

Playing with her new laptop:

Opening her stocking:

With Mommy on Christmas morning:

After seeing what Santa brought, we all got ready and met Glen and the kids at church. Afterwards, we tried to get some pictures of Olivia in her Christmas dress:

With Daddy:

Then, it was time to open presents!

Her cute new Razorback dress (I think the look is because she's tired of waiting so long for the bowl game! ha!)

On Monday, Jon and I took Olivia (along with Gram, Amy, and her mom) to the Enchanted Forest. Our parents took Amy and I there every year growing up. It's hard to explain exactly what it is, but basically it's an animated Christmas display.

Watching the train:

Looking in the igloo with Gram:

The next few days were focused on spending time together and visiting family and friends. Here are a few more pictures.

Kisses from Abby:


We had such a great trip! After we left, my mom said that Abby and Mason both said it was "the best Christmas EVER"... I'd have to agree. And, I think it's only going to get better from here.

Christmas 2011- Chicago

Christmas started a few days early this year. We exchanged gifts as a family before going to Arkansas, and Santa even delivered a few toys the night before we left!

Loving the kitchen Santa brought:

Opening presents from Grandma:

Cooking a hamburger in her new kitchen:

Opening presents from Aunt Jenny, Uncle Jeff, Luke and Jake:

Looking at the Elmo book Grandma sent:

After playing with her new toys for a little while, it was time to hit the road to Arkansas. I can tell that Christmas is only going to get more fun from here. The excitement and surprise on Olivia's face when she saw the toys and opened presents was priceless!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We are off to Arkansas today to spend Christmas with my family. I was hoping to post about our family Christmas that we had yesterday, but I ran out of time. I'll have lots to update when we return... in about a week.

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmastime Fun

Saturday was Jon's company Christmas party, so Emma came over to watch Olivia while we went. She (Olivia) was in a rotten mood, but thankfully that quickly turned around when she saw Emma. We stopped by Codrut and Emily's place on the way because they were also having a holiday party that they invited us to. It was a fun night, and as always, nice to have a little time with just the two of us.

We had brunch with our neighbors on Sunday morning and then I went Christmas shopping while Jon and Olivia spent the day together. I got back home in time for us to put up the Christmas tree... Better late than never, right?!? ;)

Seeing the Christmas tree light up for the first time:

Helping decorate:

Showing off the Santa pajamas Gram sent her:

Now that our shopping is done and the tree is up, this week will consist of lots of wrapping and packing for our trip to Arkansas... Can't wait!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Picture with Santa- Take 2

Sandy and I took Olivia and Adelina back down to the Christkindlmarket this morning to attempt to get a picture of them with Santa. As you can see, this time didn't go any better.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Busy, Busy

I haven't updated in a couple of weeks because of a couple of reasons. 1) Jon has had the camera at work, and therefore, I haven't taken many pictures, and 2) We have been staying very busy. Since the last update, we've been to a Cookie Exchange, Book Exchange, Holiday Party at Dinkel's Bakery, Lincoln Square Christkindl Market, had pizza with a couple of different friends, and dinner out with friends. Those are just the things that I remember off the top of my head, and that is in addition to our regular playgroups.

At the market with Ady:

Insisting on wearing her coat(inside):

Best Friends:

First Christmas Present of the year:

At some point, I should probably find time to do a little Christmas shopping... I'm starting to run out of time!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today, Olivia and I met up with Sandy and Adelina and took the train downtown to the Christkindlmarket. Our plan was to get down there at around 9:30am and see Santa. Well, we didn't do our research very well... The market didn't open until 11, and Santa is only there on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We decided to make the most of the day since we were already downtown.

We had lunch at the market. The girls really enjoyed their bratwurst and potato pancakes:

Then, we walked over to State Street and did a little shopping:

We were hoping that Olivia and Adelina would nap while we were out, especially since Sandy was hosting an afternoon playgroup at her family's bakery. Unfortunately, that didn't happen- unless you count the 15 minutes Olivia slept as we were walking from the train station to the bakery.

Luckily, Santa stopped by our playgroup just as it was ending. I'm going to blame Olivia's reaction on the fact that she hadn't napped... although I figured that was how she would react. (See post below if you haven't seen her picture with Santa.)

Naughty or Nice?