Thursday, January 27, 2011

8 months old

Olivia turned 8 months old on Tuesday. What is she up to now?

- She wears 12 month clothes.
- She is in a size 4 diaper.
- She still sleeps about 11 hours at night (7:30pm-6:30 or 7:00am).
- She has started taking 2 decent naps. The first one is usually 2 hours after she wakes up and the second is after lunch. Sometimes she will have another short one just before dinner.
- It takes her a lot longer to go to sleep now. She just lays in her crib and "talks" until she falls asleep.
- She is crawling everywhere!
- She thinks it's funny when I crawl and she chases and catches me.
- When she thinks we aren't watching, she crawls straight for the dogs water bowls.
- She always wants to be on the floor playing.
- She gets so excited when Jon gets home everyday.
- She has started pulling up to a standing position.
- She has a 3rd tooth- one of her top ones.
- She says "Ma-Ma" all the time now. (Like Da-Da last month, I don't think she knows what it means yet).
- She is still an excellent eater and likes everything we've given her. She has had most fruits and vegetables, pasta, yogurt, mum-mums, and puffs. She gets really excited when I give her puffs or mum-mums! :)
- She loves music and will bounce when I turn it on.
- Her favorite toys are her singing duck, singing book, and stackable blocks. Oh, and her absolute favorite is the activity table that Aunt Jenny gave her for Christmas!
- She loves "Pat-A-Cake" and claps her hands when I sing it (most of the time).
- She LOVES the dogs! She crawls over to them and puts her head against them, and "pets" them. Luckily, they are good sports because her "pets" are really just pulling hair!

She is still such a happy baby, and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to stay home with her and watch her grow and learn every day!

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