Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dennis' Visit

Jon's dad came for a visit last week and we kept him busy with lots of sightseeing! We went somewhere every day and really enjoyed our time together. On Monday, we visited Savage Mill, which is right near our house. It's an old textile mill overlooking the river that now has some shops and restaurants in it. On Tuesday, we went to Annapolis and walked around the Naval Academy.

And then had ice cream (like we did every day that he was here, ha!)

We went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore on Wednesday, but I didn't take any pictures. On Thursday, we visited the B&O Railroad Museum. It's known as the "birthplace of American Railroading" and was such a neat place. I think we could have spent all day there!

Later that night, we took Dennis out for Maryland crabs:

We went to the zoo on Friday:

We took it easy on Saturday and recovered from a busy week. We went to DC on Sunday for the Nationals game:

As you can see, we stayed busy and had lots of fun!! It was so great to see Dennis and spend time together. We're already looking forward to seeing him again at Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I know Olivia enjoyed her time with Grandpa Gilge and I'm sure you and Jon did too. Looks like ya'll kept him busy!!! Really good pics!!
