Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The weekend after Labor Day, we took Olivia on her first camping trip. We went to Assateague Island, where we camped on the beach on an island with wild horses. We met Anna, Mike, and Karissa there. It was our first time beach camping, and it was so much fun! We were just behind a sand dune from the ocean and the entire campsite was in the sand. Olivia and Karissa had so much fun playing together at the campsite, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows and playing in the sand and ocean. We have already decided that we need to make it a yearly tradition!

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was when Olivia and Karissa started acting out the story of The 3 Little Pigs. They would take turns being the big bad wolf and the pigs. It was so cute to see them actually acting out the story without any help. I think Anna videoed it, so I will try to get that from her.

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