Thursday, April 18, 2013


This was Olivia's last soccer class, so the coach had them dress up in a favorite costume. Olivia went back and forth between Tinkerbell and Super Hero, but Tinkerbell finally won.

Walking out the door, breakfast in hand:

Ready to go:

Getting "awards":

(Ignore the misspelling of her name):

With Coach Stephen (who was FANTASTIC!):

I was so impressed with how well she did and how much she enjoyed it! We are looking forward to the next session, which will be held outdoors. Pictures to come... :)

1 comment:

  1. That has to be the cutest soccer player ever!!!
    Enjoyed all the pics from DC also. I know she had a great time with Grandma Gilge. Makes me jealous. I'm ready to come back now. Love ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
