Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Grandma's Visit

Jon's mom visited us for a week. The cherry blossoms were at their peak while she was here, so she, Olivia, and I took the train to DC to see them. It was so much prettier than when we were there just a few days earlier with Jon. All of the trees were blooming and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

Unfortunately, those are the only pictures I took of her entire visit. The remainder of the time was mostly spent with Olivia and Grandma down by the river. Olivia loves throwing rocks in the river, so she had Grandma collecting rocks for her daily. They also had a picnic out there one day.

We had such a nice visit and are looking forward to the next one!!

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures! The trees are gorgeous ... and Olivia is getting so big!!
