Saturday, April 27, 2013

Outdoor Soccer

Olivia started her second session of soccer, and this one is being held outdoors. (It makes stopping the ball much easier than a gym floor!) She is loving it. Once again, we signed up for the Mom & Me class, so I could be out there with her. At 3 years old, she can enroll in the class by herself. However, since her friends Sofia and Carissa are in the older class at the same time and place, the coach said she should give it a try. These pictures are from the Mom & Me class, but the following week she went to the older one and did pretty good. We're going to stick with it for now!

Playing After:

Thursday, April 18, 2013


This was Olivia's last soccer class, so the coach had them dress up in a favorite costume. Olivia went back and forth between Tinkerbell and Super Hero, but Tinkerbell finally won.

Walking out the door, breakfast in hand:

Ready to go:

Getting "awards":

(Ignore the misspelling of her name):

With Coach Stephen (who was FANTASTIC!):

I was so impressed with how well she did and how much she enjoyed it! We are looking forward to the next session, which will be held outdoors. Pictures to come... :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Olivia had her 2nd dentist appointment. This was the first time they actually cleaned her teeth and she did great! The dentist said her teeth look great!

Grandma's Visit

Jon's mom visited us for a week. The cherry blossoms were at their peak while she was here, so she, Olivia, and I took the train to DC to see them. It was so much prettier than when we were there just a few days earlier with Jon. All of the trees were blooming and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

Unfortunately, those are the only pictures I took of her entire visit. The remainder of the time was mostly spent with Olivia and Grandma down by the river. Olivia loves throwing rocks in the river, so she had Grandma collecting rocks for her daily. They also had a picnic out there one day.

We had such a nice visit and are looking forward to the next one!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Cherry Blossoms

Jon, Olivia, and I took the train to DC to see the cherry blossoms. Only a few of them were blooming, but it was still really pretty and Olivia loved running around the National Mall.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

He is Risen!

We started the Easter holiday by attending church on Saturday evening. I didn't get a family picture, or any good picture for that matter, because we were running late.

We woke up early Sunday morning to see what the Easter bunny brought:

Then, we got dressed and went outside to hunt eggs:

Next, it was time to make our Bunny Cake:

After nap, we got ready and went to Baltimore for the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

It was a perfect weekend!