Monday, March 25, 2013

Amy's Visit

My friend, Amy, came to visit last week. She flew in on Wednesday and left on Sunday. (Crazy story... she actually ended up driving home on Sunday because her flight was oversold. She's such a trooper!) Like always, it was so good to see her. I wish we lived closer, but I'm so glad she is always able to come and visit us. Unfortunately, I only took a couple of pictures while she was here because we were busy sightseeing and just spending time together.

While she was here, we went to DC to the Air and Space Museum.

(This is the only picture I took of the two of them :(. They were coming out of a plane at the museum.)

Amy and I did a little shopping and sightseeing while Jon took Olivia to her first Easter egg hunt of the year.

I'm so sad I didn't take more pictures. I guess the memories will have to do. Thank you so much for coming, Amy! It was so great to see you and we can't wait for you to come back!!!

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