Tuesday, September 18, 2012

8 Years and Counting

Today, Jon and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary.  It seems crazy to think that it's been that long, and at the same time, it seems crazy that it's only been 8 years.  We have lived in 7 places in 5 different states.  We have traveled out of the country several times.  We have been more places and done more things in these 8 years than many people do in a lifetime.  It's been an adventure, to say the least.  And, while I miss my family and friends tremendously, I wouldn't change a thing.  I am so incredibly blessed to have Jon as my husband and daddy to Olivia.

Happy Anniversary, Jon!  It's been a great 8 years and I look forward to the next 67 and wherever it takes us :).

Forever and a Day...

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that 8 years ago I had a few reservations. (You were moving where!!!) While I do miss you terribly I know how blessed we all are to have Jon as part of our lives and I don't have to worry about whether you two are okay. I love you both! (and of course the adorable granddaughter!)
