Sunday, September 30, 2012

"On Top of Spaghetti"

This is Olivia's absolute favorite song right now!!

Future Olympian?

 Olivia started gymnastics class a couple of weeks ago, and she absolutely loves it!!

 It's too early to tell if she has a future in it, but based on her interest in this vs other activities, I'd say this is the frontrunner....

The End of Summer

Well, it seems that fall has arrived in the Midwest.  We have been busy taking advantage of the warmer weather over the past few weeks.  Here is a small sampling of what we've been up to:

Riding her trike:
Playing basketball:
Coloring with chalk:
Getting her toes painted in the grass:
Going for walks and climbing on rocks:

Riding her other bike:

Playing airplane with Daddy:

Having fun at the zoo:
Playing at the playground:
Hope you all have been enjoying yourselves as much as we have!!

Woo Pig Sooie

Olivia wore her Razorback cheerleading outfit for the first game of the season.  The game was so awful that she went to sleep, but not before I videoed a small portion of her calling the Hogs.  It's going to be a LONG season, but at least I have a cute cheerleader to distract me ;).

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

8 Years and Counting

Today, Jon and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary.  It seems crazy to think that it's been that long, and at the same time, it seems crazy that it's only been 8 years.  We have lived in 7 places in 5 different states.  We have traveled out of the country several times.  We have been more places and done more things in these 8 years than many people do in a lifetime.  It's been an adventure, to say the least.  And, while I miss my family and friends tremendously, I wouldn't change a thing.  I am so incredibly blessed to have Jon as my husband and daddy to Olivia.

Happy Anniversary, Jon!  It's been a great 8 years and I look forward to the next 67 and wherever it takes us :).

Forever and a Day...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

1st Day of Preschool!

Olivia had her first official day of preschool today. I know I said she started a couple of months ago, but that was actually considered summer camp. It was more flexible, in that you only paid for the days you attended, and it was more outdoor fun, etc. The preschool session began today, though.
Before school, I asked her a few questions to document. Here are some of her answers:

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Animal: Cow

What do you want to be when you grow up: Pumpkin (Ambitious, I know ;). I think she said this because we've been talking about what she wants to be for Halloween... At least I hope that's why...)

Favorite Book: Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site

What makes you happy? Books

What makes you sad? Gram (After I giggled at this answer for a few minutes, I asked her why and she went on to say because Gram lives far away. Whew! :))

Favorite Song to Sing: Shake Your Sillies Out

After school on the bench out front:
By the way, the picture above was taken about 2 seconds before she fell face first off the bench, busting her lip and scraping her knee. :(

We celebrated a successful first day of preschool with lunch and playtime at Chick-fil-A, her FAVORITE place!

Fun with Ady

Last week, Sandy, Luke, Ady and Greta were in town for a few days visiting Sandy's sister. We were excited to get to see them while they were here. Olivia and Ady picked up right where they left off and were playing together in no time! It was so cute to see how much they've changed. Now, instead of just playing side-by-side, they were actually playing together and having entire (pretty long) conversations!

Playing in the crib:

Loving on Greta:
Riding the train:
Playing with Ady and her cousins: