Sunday, July 1, 2012

Big Girl!

Today was Day 3 with no diapers for Olivia (besides bedtime)!! She has done so well! In fact, she only had one accident today and that was in the bathroom floor when she was trying to pull her big girl panties down. I am so proud of how well she's done with it! Granted, we haven't left the house for 3 days, so my attitude may change after tomorrow. More to come...


  1. Hooray!!! Bet she does this just like everything else and makes it look easy. Pretty amazing that you have only been at this a few days and she's doing so well. She may be completely trained by the time I get there!!
    Love ya'll!!!

  2. Yay for Olivia!!!! That picture of her is too cute!

  3. Olivia looks so cute in her big girl panties. We are looking to buy a pottie chair for both she and Luke. It will have to be a neutral color! We can't wait to see you all in a couple of weeks.
