Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Catching Up

I am waaaaay behind on updating (sorry!), so this post is just going to highlight a little of what we've been up to. I have a couple of more in-depth posts to do soon. I rarely take my camera anywhere anymore because I'm so busy chasing Olivia around. So, I take a few pictures on my phone, but that's about it. I'll try to get back into the swing of things...

As far as highlights, about a month ago Olivia learned my phone number and our address. She loves walking around saying my phone number, so hopefully I don't start getting strange phone calls :). On another note, her feet left the ground on a jump for the first time yesterday!

Here's a little of what we've been up to...

Feeding the birds at the zoo:

Playing at the zoo:
Having a picnic after preschool:
"Look, Mom!"
With her new BFF Zavier at the library:
With Zavier and Laila (Zavier's sister) at the mall:
With her friend, Connor at preschool:
With our newest pet:
Look for a couple of more posts from me in the next couple of days...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Whew! What a Weekend!

We went to Wisconsin last weekend, and it was such a whirlwind! Against my better judgement (ahem), we drove 10 hours (not including stops) to be there for 1 1/2 days. On the way home, Jon said I was right and that we would either a) Fly next time or b) Stay longer. Thankfully, Olivia does great in the car and this trip was no different. Unfortunately, she didn't sleep hardly any, but at least she was able to entertain herself. But, then again, she "had to go potty" every hour, so she was getting out a lot! Ha!

We had a wonderful time with Jon's family, as always. We were glad to (finally) meet our newest nephew, Jake, who is almost 10 months old. He was visiting with our other nephew, Luke, and Jon's sister, Jenny.

We left Thursday afternoon and stopped in Park Ridge (just outside of Chicago) to visit and spend the night with our old neighbors. It was great to see them and catch up. (Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures.) Olivia and Emmett chased each other around the house for a good 30 minutes. We all went to bed late, but we got an early start on Friday morning to finish the drive to Wisconsin.

We arrived in Wausau around noon. After a little playing and a nap, we went to the Hot Air Balloon Festival and Rib Fest with Jon's parents and his sister and her boys. It was another (very) late bedtime for Olivia, but well worth it.

Feeding the goats with Daddy:

Grandpa and Jake:

Riding the pony:

Luke riding with pony (with Jenny):

"I Want to Ride Again"


We woke up Saturday morning and lounged around a little while.

Then, it was time to drive 2 hours north to Phillips, where the extended Gilge family lives. It was the annual family reunion, which is always a good time.

Olivia and Luke spent most of the day "playing pool".

Rocking with Jake:
Blowing Bubbles:
With Grandpa:
Playing with Jake:
Playing with Luke:
We left Sunday morning to drive back. We stopped in Chicago for a quick playdate with Ady and then made our way home.

We had a wonderful time but wished we could have stayed longer!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Potty Training Update

Well, it's been one week since we started potty training, and Olivia is doing GREAT!! She hasn't had an accident since Saturday morning (5 1/2 days)!!! She is wearing big girl panties at all times when she is awake. I am keeping her in a pull-up for nap and bedtime for now.

I am SO proud of her! To celebrate, she got a present over the weekend... A Tinkerbell dress. She loves wearing it and is so proud of her "Big Girl Present!"

Happy 4th of July!

We had a busy and fun 4th. We started the day at the Lakewood parade, where we met a couple of friends.

After lunch and a nap, we went to the Bay Days festival where Olivia had her first pony ride. She loved it!

And the perfect ending to our fun day? Ice cream!! Hope you all enjoyed the day as much as we did!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Big Girl!

Today was Day 3 with no diapers for Olivia (besides bedtime)!! She has done so well! In fact, she only had one accident today and that was in the bathroom floor when she was trying to pull her big girl panties down. I am so proud of how well she's done with it! Granted, we haven't left the house for 3 days, so my attitude may change after tomorrow. More to come...