Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We love the zoo!

We had a couple of really nice days weather-wise last week, so Olivia and I ventured to the zoo. This time, she especially liked the elephants, giraffe, and monkeys.
After lunch a nap, we (ahem, I) decided to take advantage of the nice weather. I gave Olivia sidewalk chalk to play with for the first time. Although she enjoyed it, she repeatedly said, "Only on the paper" since that's what I enforce anytime she has crayons, etc. Ha!
Afterwards, she took her babies for a walk in the baby stroller. It's a good thing we got out and enjoyed the weather. The temperatures really dropped over the weekend, with highs in the 40s. Brrrr...


  1. Love the video!!! The pictures are gorgeous but always are. Funny cause I was going to introduce her to sidewalk chalk when I come. Looks like she enjoyed it. See you soon. Love ya'll!!!!

  2. Zoo pass for her birthday! I also bought her some yard animals yesterday. One is a bassett hound, and I couldn't pass up the cute little bunnies. You can put the bunnies in the backyard, Mary Beth!
