Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Festivities

We had such a fun day today! Since Olivia and I were both feeling better, we (and Jon) went to the local Easter Egg Hunt. I was unsure of how Olivia would do with the actual egg hunt. I expected to have to coerce her into taking an egg and one egg being enough for her. Boy, was I wrong! As soon as they said "Go"(actually before), she took off grabbing eggs. I think she got 10 or 12 in the 5 minute hunt. She was so excited and loved opening them to find prizes! She won 2 free swim lessons!

After the Egg Hunt and a nap, we started making an Easter Bunny Cake:

While the cake was baking and cooling, we decorated Easter eggs.

Shortly after we finished the eggs, the cake was ready to be decorated!

It was a perfect day and we are looking forward to Easter tomorrow!!


  1. Looks like all of ya'll were having a ball. Love the look on her face when she sees something new. Such a look of wonder!! Like Abby says, the bunny cake is going thru a whole new generation!! Love ya'll!!!!

  2. How good that you are caring on the traditions of your youth! Olivia seems to be enjoying every minute. She is one lucky girl. I love her rendition of "Jesus Loves Me." I can't wait to hear it in person.

  3. I meant carrying on. I should always proofread my comments.
