Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We love the zoo!

We had a couple of really nice days weather-wise last week, so Olivia and I ventured to the zoo. This time, she especially liked the elephants, giraffe, and monkeys.
After lunch a nap, we (ahem, I) decided to take advantage of the nice weather. I gave Olivia sidewalk chalk to play with for the first time. Although she enjoyed it, she repeatedly said, "Only on the paper" since that's what I enforce anytime she has crayons, etc. Ha!
Afterwards, she took her babies for a walk in the baby stroller. It's a good thing we got out and enjoyed the weather. The temperatures really dropped over the weekend, with highs in the 40s. Brrrr...


Just some pictures from last week!
Playing outside with Daddy (on the couple of nice days we had):

Future Star?

I don't know about you, but I think Olivia takes after her Grandpa Gilge and has a little musical talent... ;)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Grandma Gilge's First Visit to Cleveland

Jon's mom came into town for a few days last week. She arrived (early) Wednesday morning via Amtrak. Jon picked her up from the train station and then went to work shortly thereafter. The three of us (Sandy, Olivia, and I) just stayed home on Wednesday, playing and catching up... and resting! :)

Thursday was Sandy's birthday (Happy Birthday!!). We started the day with Story Time at the library and then went to the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center in the afternoon. When Jon arrived home from work, we all went to Red Lobster for a birthday dinner.

On Friday morning, we went down to the West Side Market for breakfast and browsing. That afternoon, Olivia and Grandma played together outside and tried out the new bubble machine the Easter Bunny brought Olivia.

We spent most of Saturday shopping and enjoying her last day here. She left late Saturday night for the train station.

We are so glad she was able to come for a few days. It was a nice visit and Olivia loved having her Grandma here. In fact, she woke up Sunday morning saying, "Go downstairs, wake Grandma up!"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Our day started with Olivia waking up to see what the Easter Bunny had left her in her basket.

Her favorites were her new rain boots, the bubble machine, motorized rubber ducky and Storybook Bible.

At this point, it was a mad rush to make it to church on time, but we did. Olivia cried when we dropped her off, but had stopped and was playing when Jon went to check on her. When we picked her up, the nursery worker said she only cried for a couple of minutes. Yay!

After church, we came home to hunt Easter eggs before brunch. Olivia had a blast "finding" the eggs and she was SOOOOO EXCITED to find the "special treats" inside!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Jesus Loves Me"

Olivia loves to talk about Jesus and sing "Jesus Loves Me". She can do a much better version than this, but she was being a little goofy this afternoon...

Easter Festivities

We had such a fun day today! Since Olivia and I were both feeling better, we (and Jon) went to the local Easter Egg Hunt. I was unsure of how Olivia would do with the actual egg hunt. I expected to have to coerce her into taking an egg and one egg being enough for her. Boy, was I wrong! As soon as they said "Go"(actually before), she took off grabbing eggs. I think she got 10 or 12 in the 5 minute hunt. She was so excited and loved opening them to find prizes! She won 2 free swim lessons!

After the Egg Hunt and a nap, we started making an Easter Bunny Cake:

While the cake was baking and cooling, we decorated Easter eggs.

Shortly after we finished the eggs, the cake was ready to be decorated!

It was a perfect day and we are looking forward to Easter tomorrow!!