Monday, September 12, 2011

Sweet and Silly

I'm sure I've mentioned this on here before, but just to reiterate... Olivia is so sweet! Lately, she has started wanting to sit on my lap a lot more. Anytime I'm in the floor with her, she wants to be in my lap, whether we're reading books, doing puzzles, or just bouncing up and down. She has also started showing her sweet side with her dolls lately. She likes to put diapers on them, swaddle them, sing "rock-a-bye" while rocking them, and put them to bed (on their cookie sheet, of course! Ha!)

Rocking her baby is hard work:

She also has a really silly side. When she isn't putting a bowl on her head, she is opening the coffee table drawer and standing/ sitting in it. Over the weekend, she thought it would be funny to sit in the colander:

And, this morning I was cooking breakfast and looked over to see this:

There is never a dull moment around here!

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