Monday, September 12, 2011

Garage Sales, New Wheels, and Bobby Jack Sooie

The highlight of our weekend was our garage sale finds! (Does that make us lame?!?) Let me preface this by saying that garage sales in Chicago are typically not good. In fact, we have stopped by many in our time here, and I don't know that we've ever bought anything. In fact, we never go out of our way to stop at them anymore. If we walk by one, occasionally we will browse.

Well, this weekend we got Olivia a pair of shoes (for $5 that cost $50 new!), a Columbia jacket, a Janie and Jack sweater and several books. We also got Jon a (new) Banana Republic wool coat... for $4!! We were pretty proud of ourselves! :)

Speaking of good deals, we also got Olivia a tricycle on craigslist last week and she LOVES it:

Speaking of things that Olivia loves, she received a surprise in the mail from my friend Mandy last week. As Mandy put it, "everybody needs a Razorback sock monkey." Mandy's daughter named the monkey before sending it. What did she name him? Bobby Jack Sooie! It makes us laugh every time we call him Bobby Jack! And, I think you can tell that Olivia is crazy about him:

1 comment:

  1. These pictures make me so lonesome for Olivia. When can we come again?
