Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lots of Playing

We've been keeping busy the past week, and with a busy toddler, it is harder and harder for me to find the time (and energy) to update!

Last Friday, we met our friends Emily and Jack downtown for the Family Fun Festival. It was wrapping up for the summer (already?!?), so we wanted to go one more time. Afterwards, we walked over to the fountains. As much as Olivia has grown to love the water, she didn't care much for that. She preferred to picnic and play in the grass.

Emily took this picture with her phone and sent it to me:

We spent the weekend just relaxing and hanging out as a family. Jon has been going out of town for work for a few days each week, so he was anxious to have some time with Olivia. Olivia even had her first sushi roll, which she loved!

At dinner:

This week has been busy with playdates and lots of playing outside. We are trying to take advantage of every bit of the warm weather we have, as we know it will be coming to an end very soon.

"Play Ball":


Olivia even learned how to climb up the slide all by herself this week!

Hope you're having as much fun this week as we are!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Seems she changes weekly. Such a big, pretty, girl. How we coming on ya'll? Didn't notice that in her words! Get busy, MB!
