Thursday, August 25, 2011

15 Months Old

Olivia is 15 months old today! She is soooo much fun these days! Her personality evolves more and more every day. I can't even begin to put into words how much I love this little girl. She wakes up with a smile and goes to bed with a smile. It's hard to have a bad day when I get to spend it with her.

So, what is Olivia up to now?

- She wears a size 4 diaper.
- Most of her clothes are 18 months.
- She is still a really good sleeper. She sleeps from 7:30 or 8:00pm-6:30 or 7:00am, and sometimes as late as 8:00am. She also takes 2 naps, each lasting 1 1/2- 2 hours.
- She "talks" nonstop. She is constantly babbling, but she is also saying more and more words. She will repeat almost anything you say. Some of her favorite words are: da-ddy (no longer da-da), ma-ma, peas (please), night-night, baby, no, go, bye-bye, see, door (without the "r"), tree, more, mil (milk), shoe, cu-kee (cookie).
- She can make the sounds of 10 different animals.
- She has started taking care of her baby doll. She likes to put a diaper on her, swaddle her, and put her to bed. She also hugs and kisses her a lot.
- She LOVES to play outside! She likes just running in the grass, going down slides, hitting the ball off the tee, kicking a ball... it doesn't matter what she's doing. If she's outside, she's happy!
- She is an excellent eater most days. In fact, most of the time I'm in awe of how much food can fit in her little belly! Her favorite foods now are bananas, blueberries, cheese, hummus, eggs, avocado, broccoli.
- She is very loving. She enjoys giving hugs, kisses, and cuddles. Sometimes she will kiss me over and over and just laugh so hard every time!
- She has a really mean look that she gives quite often. She started giving it to Glen when we were in Arkansas and she hasn't stopped since. In fact, she gives it to almost everyone we see. (I haven't been able to get a picture of it, but I'll keep trying).
- She is so busy and into everything. At the end of every day, it looks like a tornado has touched down in our place!
- She thinks it's funny when I "get her nose". She scrunches her nose and squints her eyes while trying to get me to put her nose back in the right place. She gets super excited when we get it back on! Ha!

I can't believe how much she's grown and changed over these last few months. She learns something new every day and it is so much fun to see the world through her eyes! Her 15-month checkup is next week, so I'll update with her stats then.

Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend!

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