Monday, December 20, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Gram is getting antsy to see a couple of new pictures, so I figured I had better update. :) We had a pretty relaxing weekend, with the highlight being a trip to Babies R Us to buy babyproofing items. Olivia still isn't crawling forward, but we figure it will be any day.

Our big news is that Olivia hasn't had a pacifier in over a week! She had been having it only at naptime and bedtime for a little while, but as of last Saturday, she hasn't even needed it for that. I am so thankful that she gave it up on her own, and it didn't become a habit that I had to break. As you can see from the photo below, she has replaced it with her fist! Ha!

We are busy preparing for our trip north for Christmas. I have presents to wrap and bags to pack before we leave for Wisconsin on Thursday, and it's looking like a Winter Wonderland outside our window right now!

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