Thursday, December 30, 2010

Olivia's First Christmas

We had a great Christmas in Wisconsin. We arrived Thursday night to about 15 inches of snow.

We visited a little while before turning in for the night. On Friday (Christmas Eve), Olivia spent some time with her Grandma and Grandpa and opened a couple of presents while we waited on Jon's sister, brother-in-law, and nephew to arrive.

Hanging out with Grandpa:

Opening an early gift:

Reading her new book:

Jenny, Jeff, and Luke had some issues with their connecting flight and ended up getting in several hours later than planned. We had to put Olivia to bed before they arrived, but we were able to catch up for a while when they got there and play with Luke. The poor little guy had such a long day, but was as cute as could be! I can't believe how much he's grown since this summer, and he is running all over the place! He opened most of his presents that night, as did the adults, before calling it a night.

Christmas Day was very relaxing, simply spending time with family (and eating!) Ha! Olivia sledded for the first time, something her mom has never even done! Jon's dad built a great hill for the kids to sled down... it was perfect! (There is a video at the bottom of this post.) We ended the day with a huge seafood feast, consisting of crab legs, fish, shrimp and scallops. It was delicious! Dinner was followed by a family viewing of Christmas Vacation.

Christmas morning (wearing Luke's Christmas hat):

Olivia and Luke with Grandma and Grandpa:

Ready to go sledding:

Luke and Jenny ready for sledding:

Olivia and Luke taking turns sledding:

On Sunday, we met Jon's college friend, Joe, his wife, Kaia, and their son, Luke, for lunch. This was our first time meeting Luke, as he is just a couple of months old. They were driving through on their way back to Wausau. It was so good to see them, but I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures. You'll have to take my word that Luke is adorable!!

On Monday, we all loaded up and headed north to Phillips, WI, where Jon's dad is from. We had a family get-together and it was so good to see everyone. It is always such a good time when we are able to spend time with everyone up there. A couple of Jon's cousins from Albuquerque were even able to join us this time. The time always passes too quickly, but we are looking forward to returning in the spring. (Again, I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures).

Jon, Olivia, and I headed back to Chicago on Tuesday, making a short stop in Madison to visit another of Jon's friends, Max, his wife Emily, and their little boy Max. As you may remember, we last saw them in July when Max was just a couple of weeks old. As expected, he has really grown and is a cutie and such a happy boy! We arrived back home late Tuesday night and went straight to bed. We had such a great time with family and friends over the Christmas holiday, leaving us more aware than ever just how much they all mean to us.

Olivia and Daddy sledding (with Phoebs and Dagny following right behind):

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